Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Inglorious Path

What we want we never get,
And what we get we easily forget.
Always regret on what we don’t have and what we do not posses
We are never satisfied of our achievements,
Sometime it is good to move forward and soar high, but it may also turn fatal which may dissatisfy;
A path of unfulfilled desire and dream, failures maybe it’s not but it may seem,
Many times in quest of finding the new we gamble with what we have,
It’s good if coin turns on our part.
But what if it’s not and never! We never get the new and also lose what we have.
I think major cause of the dissatisfaction is the unfulfilled desires and expectations which may not feasible at times,
It hurts to see other achieving our goals so easily and after continuous attempts you know that you failed,
It pinches that time when you are not but others are.
Ever thing then seems to be so dull, the new path may be not clear,
But without an option we are forced into and we choose that path which was never ours,
It decreases the gleam of satisfaction,
We are left with nothing, nothing to seek for, nothing to expect,
No goals and no aims in that,
The path goes on and on, just as the inglorious path!


  1. Anshu I love your poems. I think you have what it needs to be world class poet.
    Keep it up ...

  2. deep thought!! nd awesum poetry skills!! :))

  3. @ Triloki sirTHANK YOU SIR , YOUR WORDS ARE ALWAYS as boost to my writing
